Foxwood Academy

Foxwood Academy

Learning For Life

  1. Our Curriculum
  2. Classes
  3. Key Stage 3
  4. 3X


3X is one of four KS3 classes and is part of the Pathway 2 progression route across the Academy. This year there are 9 students in the class, whose ages range from 11 to 14 years of age.

Each student in 3X is unique and each bring their own special character which is celebrated in the class. There are a range of diagnoses in the class including ADHD, ASD, selective mutism, physical disability and a selection of sensory needs.

There are 3 members of staff in 3X: Nicole Smith (tutor), Kerry Riley (teaching assistant) and Grace Morley (teaching assistant).

Students in 3X move between classrooms for different subjects. They go to the computer suite, science lab and art room and will be taught by specialist teachers in these subjects. PE is either in the hall or in the school grounds and again is taught by a specialist teacher. Reading books that are sent home are in line with the phonics knowledge displayed in school, students are encouraged to read at least 3 times a week at home.

Students are welcomed each morning by the team and use the first 20 minutes of the day to settle in, do some quiet reading and complete an emotions check in using our zones of regulation board. Everyone then moves to either phonics or functional skills for 20 minutes. After phonics they start their first lesson of the day before break time at 10.40. After break time it is their second lesson before lunch time. There are two more lessons in the afternoon before the day finishes at 3.30 (3.10 on a Wednesday).

All students access the core, non-core and preparing for adulthood curriculum. Within the PfA curriculum they will develop skills, knowledge and understanding within the 4 strands (Health, Community, Employment & Independence). Students will spend time out in the community, building their independence when accessing different facilities and in the later part of the year will have TITAN lessons to encourage independent travel. All students will also have access to extra-curricular groups after school, these change each term but may include computing club, sports club, games club and cycling club.

Communication is key between home and school and staff welcome the opportunity to speak with parents/carers. Students have a planner where information is communicated between home and school and parents/carers are advised to look at these daily. Email is another form of communication between staff and home and emails will always be answered when staff are able to.

Staff are keen for our young students to benefit from all aspects of school life and a safe and happy environment is what staff strive towards. Students in 3X know what the expectations are in school, and we nurture this as well as the academic side of school life. We celebrate achievements of students and have our Worth a Mention each week for students who we feel have worked above and beyond what is expected from them and who has shown the character strength of that week.


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