Foxwood Academy

Foxwood Academy

Learning For Life

  1. About Us
  2. Local Governing Body
  3. Governance
  4. Archive Impact

Archive Impact



Example of some of the things covered/Impact

February 2022

Finance, Audit and Risk

  • Agreed to move forward on the next stage of the library project and reviewed the new budget based on the increase costs of living.
  • Benchmarked the school against a number of other schools nationally to review financial position of the Academy.
  • Reviewed health and safety, number predicted for September and reviewed the impact of the new outdoor learning space.
  • Reviewed the Academy risk register and looked at any recent developments that would need to be addressed.

 March 2022

Pupil and Curriculum 

  • The governors looked through the presentation of the new website and recommended small additions. They were pleased that the website reached a wider audience.
  • They revised their understanding of the INTENT of the curriculum.
  • They received an update in the Academy QA system and reviewed their rolling review looking at ways to make it sustainable.
  • The governors were visited by the PSD and RSE lead who talked them through the intent , implementation and impact of the subjects. 

March 2022

Finance, Audit and Risk

  • Governors reviewed the impact of the White and Green papers on Foxwood and how they might influence actions between now and 2030.
  • Governors reviewed the pay structures and reflected on recruitment and retention.
  • Governors Reviewed the risk register, health and safety and numbers for September
  • Governors looked at recent energy usage data and made suggestions for improved sustainability. 


April 2022


Members meeting

  • Members approved the new Articles
  • Members reviewed the Academy Finances
  • Members evaluated the impact of the White and Green papers on Foxwood


May 2022


Finance, Audit and Risk

  • Governors reviewed the risk register and made adaptations
  • Governors agreed to finance the changes to the sensory areas in school and approved the first draft of the Academy budget
  • Governors approved a new Academy minibus 
  • Governors evaluated the tender process for the new library and considered the impact of open and closed applications


June 2022


Pupil and Curriculum

  • Governors were presented with the new system for recording, monitoring and measuring the impact of our therapy provision.
  • Governors were presented with the new phonics system and reviewed the impact so far.
  • Governors reviewed parent and feedback from staff voice.


July 2022


Full body

  • The governors agreed the budget for academic year 22/23 and agreed the 3 year budget to be sent to the ESFA.
  • The governors scrutinised the latest Headteacher report. The report measures progress, attendance, teaching and learning, finance and other key area of the Academy.
  • The governors agreed to work more closely with a local Trust and reviewed plans for future expansion.
  • The governors decided that the current format for the Headteachers report would continue.



September 2022



Finance, Audit and Risk

  • Governors reviewed the risk register, taking into account the cost of living crisis and changes in Covid regulations.
  • Governors reviewed the finances of the Academy.
  • Governors looked through preparations for the new library build starting in October.
  • Governors reviewed the recent health and safety visits and agreed to purchase a small number of fire doors and remedial action to meet fire safety requirements. 


September governor challenge day: Governors visit the Academy in person to 'check their checking' each half term

Challenge day

  • One of the governors came in to look at safeguarding across the Academy. Training, systems, recording and data. 

  • A second governor met with the CEO of a local trust to look at how a merger with their MAT would be beneficial to Foxwood children and review plans for an expansion to the Foxwood site.

  • Another governor reviewed the phonics morning session and had a tour of the lessons with the reading lead. 


October 2022



  • Governors and members met to review the development plans for 2022/23.
  • All reviewed progress towards the new build and looked at due diligence on a local trust, finance predictions for the year, health and safety and safeguarding.
  • All agreed on the schemes of delegation.


November 2022


Full body

  • This meeting was used to drill down into what Foxwood is. We evaluated our curriculum intent, the role as governors and the impact of the rolling review. Governors shared their areas of knowledge and understanding and identified areas where they felt that they needed more information (for example, the ways that British Values is taught in the curriculum.)

November 2022

Finance, Audit, Risk and Pay

  • The Pay Committee reviewed the Academy performance management systems and approved pay uplifts.
  • The Governors reviewed the risk register in line with current economic challenges and the impact on our building work.
  • We were visited by our external auditors who gave the governors a thorough review of the last financial year. We were pleased to report yet another clean audit.


June 2023


Full body

  • The governing body met with the trustees to formally merge with WHP and agreed to start a new 'local' governing body from September 2024
  • The governors approved the budget for 2023/24
  • The governors agreed spending for the summer period including fencing and outside spaces
  • The governors reviewed the first aims and objectives of the school extension.